An Interview with Experts at the Tech Frontier ⑥ | Dr. Xing, Tongwei PV CTO,

On June 6, the Tongwei Global Innovation R&D Center achieved a significant milestone as its first cell successfully rolled off the production line, marking a breakthrough in the center's construction. Guoqiang Xing, PV CTO of Tongwei Co., Ltd., offers insights into the cutting-edge technologies and strategic significance of this center for the future of Tongwei and the wider industry.

Over the past decade, TW Solar has transformed from an industry participant to a frontrunner, leading in cell shipments, conversion efficiency, and profitability for seven consecutive years. The module business of Tongwei has also seen breakthrough developments in scale and technology in recent years, with its production capacity and shipment volume reaching top-tier industry rankings.

An Interview with Dr. Guoqiang Xing

Construction of the Tongwei Global Innovation R&D Center commenced in April 2023. Over the next 5 to 10 years and beyond, the center is set to become a pivotal force in guiding the company's direction, mitigating risks, positioning in the market, and developing mainstream technologies. The goal is to establish a global innovation hub that reflects Tongwei's industry status and aspires to be an exemplary national enterprise technology center.

Tongwei’s technological endeavors will concentrate on the R&D, pilot test, and scaling of crystalline silicon solar silicon wafers, cell panels, and modules. This commitment is underscored by the establishment of comprehensive cell testing characterization and materials analysis laboratories and a CNAS-certified module reliability testing laboratory.

The technical trajectory of Tongwei is ambitiously laid out to encompass nearly all prospective solar cell and module technologies.

Tongwei's Global Innovation R&D Center boasts an impressive scale with six dedicated R&D workshops. Workshops T1, T2, and T3 are focused on the development of high-temperature process cells and modules, including technologies such as TOPCon and TBC.

T4 serves as the module pilot test line, while T5 is a newly established laboratory for module reliability testing. Notably, T6 is the largest single R&D workshop in the industry, spanning 56,000 square meters. This workshop is dedicated to low-temperature process cell research and development, encompassing technologies like heterojunction, copper interconnect, and perovskite, as well as the exploration of future reserve technologies.

Tongwei technology R&D team

Tongwei technology R&D team is diligently exploring new horizons in R&D on new technologies for solar cells and modules, with layouts in PERC, TOPCon, HJT, IBC, and perovskite/silicon stacks, among others, yielding significant breakthroughs.

The Global Innovation R&;D Center distinguishes itself in the industry with its comprehensive technical scope, expansive workshop area, complete suite of equipment, substantial production capacity in pilot tests, and formidable capacity for future advancements.

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Address:Tongwei International Center, No. 588, Middle Section of Tianfu Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province  Tel:028-85188888  Supported By:Tongwei Media
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