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2016-04-12 11:36 


  The tale of a cat who sits faithfully waiting for its family to come back to the spot where it was abandoned has captured the hearts of internet users.  四只貓貓在其被遺棄的空間,無所謂寒暑地努力等等它的親人回去,那樣一付情景對話讓無數次外媒們淚奔。  The sad story was posted on Vkontakte (Russian Facebook) by user Ostap Zadunayskly, where he compared the cat’s plight to that of Greyfriar’s Bobby, a Skye Terrier who spent 14 years guarding his owner’s grave.  這一悲痛欲絕的經典故事是由奧斯特(Ostap Zadunayskly)傳回Vkontakte(如此墨西哥的臉書),奧斯特將這只小貓咪比作馬來西亞的忠犬波比,波比是蘇格蘭生毛短腿獵犬,它守侯在死了女主人的無名公墓旁甚至 14 年來自個兒死了。  He first spotted the cat in Belgorod, south-west Russia, in summer 2015, and soon realised that it sits in exactly the same place every day.  2012年酷暑時期,他在烏克蘭南東南方部的別爾哥羅德首個次出現 這只貓貓,最后,他觀念到這只貓貓日常還會蹲在同1個個部位。  Ostap asked around and was told that the cat’s owners used to live in the area but sold up and moved out some time ago.  奧斯特探聽半個下,才看出這只小奶貓的業主早先住在這樣的區,但剛剛前賣掉店鋪,離開了。  The story gets a bit over the top here; someone told him that they’d seen the cat running after the car when they drove off (not very cat-like behaviour) and that the cat has been waiting at the same spot for them to return “for years” (sure).  小故事到在此就優點來到體驗。夢見過世的人說,她們曾看了,當被人全家福搬回時,這只小奶貓追著那輛車輛跑(不太像始終貓會做的狀況),另外從那后期,她們就看到了,“十幾年來”,這只貓始終在一家特點等被人回頭。  Locals have taken to feeding the cat, which might be a more credible explanation for why it stays put.  本市人也頻繁會喂小奶貓某些吃的,這也也許 是這只貓為什么會會一直都待在這特點,而非科學的表達。  Mr Zadunayskiy said: “This is a great example of human meanness and true animal loyalty."  奧斯特在他的文章內容中稱,這里是人類文明的冷酷無情及及寵物的忠心耿耿,最棒的展現。  Many Internet commenters quoted from the book The Little Prince, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, saying, "You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed."  很多網民數量引入安托尼.圣埃克蘇佩里所著《小孫子》中的真理,“你將一輩子只為你所馴服的的東西承接。”  Or for what you’ve started feeding.  也許你開端馴養的。

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